仙境传说脚本RO:NPC对话| mes/next/close函数用法详解
仙境传说脚本RO:NPC对话| mes/next/close函数用法详解大家好,这里是艾西服务器论坛 今天跟大家讲解下仙境传说mes/next/close函数,在游戏中所有的NPC对话都是用mes函数来创建的。
我们先打开官方文档的script _commands.txt文件,搜索*mes
search *mes
mes "Hello,world!";
颜色^RGB 16进制:例子mes "This is ^FF0000 red ^000000 and this is ^00FF00 green, ^000000 so.";用完记得还原^FF0000 red是红色,如果后面不输入^000000 那么后面整个都是红色的,^000000即为还原
mes "Line 1", Lirine 2", "Line 3";
<NAVI>Display Name<FNF0>mapname,x,y,0,000 ,flag</INFO> </NAVI>
(< NAVI是navigation这个单词的缩写> Display Name显示名字x,y,0,000 信息参数 </INFO> </NAVI>就是xml的标记语言 )
The *flag" parameter can be: 0: Do not open Navigation Window (default). 1: Open Navigation Window.
(flag是有两个可选参数 0就是默认不打开导航窗口,1就是打开导航窗口)
The example below will make the text clickable and begin navigation to alberta (98,154) when clicked.
mes "Have you checked out the <NAVI><INF0>alberta ,98, 154,0, 000, 0</INF0></NAVI>?";
See also 'navigateto', which can be used for certain NPC events
You can refer to items by using HTML-like links to certain items:
(ITEMLINK道具链接的意思)(Item ID道具信息,道具信息数据库必须得有不然点击不了)
Where <Display Name> is the name that will be displayed for your link and <ltem ID> being the ID of the item you want tolink to when clicked.
In 2015 the tag name was changed to <ITEM> resulting in the following syntax:
<ITEM>Display Name<INFO>Item ID</INF0></ITEM>
The following sample will open a preview window for Red Potion:
mes "Did you ever consume a <ITEMLINK>Red Potion<INF0>501</INFO></ITEMLINK>?";
// Or in 2015:
mes "Did you ever consume a <ITEM>Red Potion<INFO>501</INF0></ITEM>?";
NOTE: Be aware that item links are rendered incorrectly in 2015+ clients at the moment.
Similarly, you can create links to websites that launch in a new window:
<URL>Display Name<INFO>http:/ /www . 27server . com/</INFO></URL>" ;
<URL>就是超链接 <INFO>这里面就是地址
*next ;
This command will display a' next' button in the message window for theinvoking character. Clicking on it will cause the window to clear and display a new one. Used to segment NPC -talking,next is often used in combination with mes and close'.
This command will create a ' close button in the message window for the invoking character. If no window is currently on screen, the script execution will end. This is of the ways to end a speech from an NPC. Once the button is clicked, the NPC script execution will end, and the message box will disappear.
mes”" ;
mes "I am finished talking to you. Click the close button.";
mes” This command will not run at all, since the script has ended." ;
艾西服务器论坛 (注:本教程仅为个人娱乐参考使用,切勿用于商业用途否则后果自负)